MplusLGM - Automate Latent Growth Mixture Modelling in 'Mplus'
Provide a suite of functions for conducting and automating
Latent Growth Modeling (LGM) in 'Mplus', including Growth Curve
Model (GCM), Growth-Based Trajectory Model (GBTM) and Latent
Class Growth Analysis (LCGA). The package builds upon the
capabilities of the 'MplusAutomation' package (Hallquist &
Wiley, 2018) to streamline large-scale latent variable
analyses. “MplusAutomation: An R Package for Facilitating
Large-Scale Latent Variable Analyses in Mplus.” Structural
Equation Modeling, 25(4), 621–638.
<doi:10.1080/10705511.2017.1402334> The workflow implemented in
this package follows the recommendations outlined in Van Der
Nest et al. (2020). “An Overview of Mixture Modeling for Latent
Evolutions in Longitudinal Data: Modeling Approaches, Fit
Statistics, and Software.” Advances in Life Course Research,
43, Article 100323. <doi:10.1016/j.alcr.2019.100323>.